About Us
Club Infinity is York University’s undergraduate math community. Our mission is to service all undergraduate math and stats students at York, and to act as a liaison between the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and its students. Our members are mostly (but not all!) math majors who have banded together to form a Math student society here at York. While many of our events revolve around Math, we also have many non-math events as well! We are a very friendly, very inclusive group of students! Club Infinity is open to any student, regardless of their major/program.
Drop by to borrow a book in our mini-library, play board games, or just relax!

Executive Council

President: Mark ShuldinerVice-President: Charlotte Baker
Director of Examination Sales: Jamie, Lynne Lin
Treasurer: Saurabh
Webmaster: Sujaan Kunalan
Event Planner: Ushieja (Warnakula) De Zoysa Senaratne
Secretary: Scholarstica Okarike
Directors at Large: Maha, Nataly Beribisky, Mohammed
Club Historian = √(-1) = Imaginary Role: Patrick Sin
President: Sujaan KunalanVice President: Li Zhang
Director of Exam Sales: Xinwei Liu, Patrick Sin, Steven Pece
Secretary: Mark Shuldiner, James Sacoransky
Treasurer: (Rasha Lawrence) (Fall term)
Event Coordinator: (Andre Oliveira-Shahinfar)
Webmaster: Patrick Sin, Christopher D’Alonzo
Directors at Large: Charlotte Baker, Blessing Enitan, Nathan Gold, Richard Jansen, Steven Pece, Mark Shuldiner, Patrick Sin, Diana Talvan