
“I want it that way” — Backstreet Boys
Services on, and off, campus that members to the club as well as undergrads may be interested in:


Actuarial Students Association at York University (AS2A, or ASAYU), N537 Ross. Information on Actuarial events and exams; Latest news; mirror 2
Student Ombuds Services (SOS), Bethune College
Math/Stats Lab, S525 Ross. Mathematics Undergraduate Office, N502/N503 Ross
Coxeter Library, N620 Ross. Mirror page
Physics Society at York University
Chemistry Society at York (CSY), 206 Chemistry Building
York University Biology Society (YUBS), 111 Lumbers
Board Game Club; Chess Society
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Keele, et Mathématiques à / and Mathematics in Glendon
NATS-Aid, from the Division of Natural Sciences
ADMS and ITEC PASS Sessions in New College at Atkinson. Past exams from New College.
Course webpages from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
York University Libraries, Learning Commons is especially useful
York Students Offering Support, not related to Students Ombuds Service in Bethune College


Math Exam / Education Resources wiki at The University of British Columbia
Wolfram Alpha: A search engine-like portal for the sciences
Kim Maltman’s Mini-Course on Trig Basics
Fields Institute at the University of Toronto
Our twins at The Association of Mathematical and Computer Science Students (AMACSS) at University of Toronto Scarborough, and Math Union at St. George campus, Mathematics Course Union at Ryerson, the McMaster Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Society in Hamilton, and The Durham College/University of Ontario Institute of Technology Math Club in Oshawa
Why U, project by the University of Central Florida
AsapScience, by Mitchell Moffit and Greg Brown
The web comics, xkcd and Spiked Math, which often have math and science humour

Mathematical Associations

Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex systems (MITACS)
Statistical Society of Canada
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA)
Pacific Institute of Mathematics
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)


LaTeX is a typesetting system that allows publishing with emphasis on content over layout. It is especially suited for generating complex mathematical formulas instead of formula editors in most office suites, as well as creating large publications. Google Docs supports basic functions of LaTeX. LaTeX plugins are available for GMail.

There is also MathML, a standard designed for web pages, but is not as widely adopted, currently being overshadowed by MathJax.

Set-up information

LaTeX for the impatient: A concise guide to important information
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network


GeoGebra; USB Drive version at
Octave, alternative to Matlab
R Project
Spherical Easel
Statistics software guides on SAS (Statistical Analysis System) and SPSS through York Libraries, and courses through the Institute for Social Research

Mathematics Education

Quality mathematics teachers are essential to properly educating today’s youth for a world that is increasingly pervaded by mathematics and mathematical-like reasoning. Below you will find mathematics education related-links to resources for the future (or current) mathematical educator.

Faculty of Education, York University
Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators (OAME)
Fields Institute Mathematics, Organizes monthly Education Forums
Canadian Mathematical Society Education web page
Scientists in School
JUMP (Junior Undiscovered Math Prodigies) Math
Mad Science

Math Seminars

These seminars are frequent gathering to discuss research by their members, some of which may be faculty members! A more comprehensive list is also from the Department
Activities from the Fields Institute at the University of Toronto, most of which are free to attend.

Algebraic Combinatorics, at the Fields Institute.
Applied Algebra
Category Seminar (Schedule not updated)
Discrete Mathematics
Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems (LAMPS)
Probability Seminar (Schedule not updated)
Set Theory, at the Fields Institute.